Course curriculum

    1. 1.1 Customer Value

    2. 1.2 Lean

    3. 1.3 Summary

    4. Quiz

    1. 2.1 Lean Organizational Culture

    2. 2.2 Challenges in Maintaining a Lean Culture

    3. 2.3 Summary

    4. Quiz

    1. 3.1 Framework

    2. 3.2 Applying the Framework

    3. 3.3 Measurement Systems Analysis

    4. 3.4 Summary

    5. Quiz

    1. 4.1 Defining a Process: Y=f(x)

    2. 4.2 SIPOC

    3. 4.3 Summary

    4. Quiz

    1. 5.1 Voice of the Customer, Critical to Quality, Voice of the Process, Cost of Poor Quality

    2. 5.2 Summary

    3. Quiz

    1. 6.1 Gemba and MBWA

    2. 6.2 Where to Look

    3. 6.3 Metrics

    4. 6.4 Takt Time

    5. 6.5 Airbnb

    6. 6.6 Summary

    7. Quiz

About this course

  • 91 lessons